Tuesday, June 7, 2011

from cheap, ugly lamp shades to WOW!

Supplies: scissors, exacto knife, fabric, hot glue, iron, paint, ribbon

I had old lamps I got for $10.00, I bought them, they were ugly, but decided to give them a re-ferb!
-Step 1: I stripped the old fabric from the lamp (CAREFULLY) with an exacto knife, so that I could retrace the correct size, with the new fabric
-Step 2: I traced the old fabric, onto new fabric, and cut it out...I chose to stencil and paint my design on the new fabric

-Step 3: I used the hot glue to wrap TIGHTLY! around the edges. (go slow! so that you dont get wrinkles!)

-Step 4: Next, I cut and ironed edges down for the corner coverings

-Step 5: Then, I cut out and double glued ribbon as my trim
. . .and VOILA! custom lamp shades!

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