Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Wax paper window decor

Wax paper window decor
Wax paper
crushed crayons
pencil sharpener

Step 1: Use pencil sharpener to shred crayons into tiny pieces
Step 2: wax side up (on bottom sheet) place crayons pieces sparingly (dont want it to be too thick) evenly disperse on waxy side of wax paper
Step 3: cover with another sheet of wax paper, waxy side down
Step 4: melt with paper between thin towel, and iron
Step 5: let harden, then draw design, scissor cut the design out
step 6: Iron shapes again (just to make sure all edges are sealed)

They reflect light beautifully! DIY Stained glass, perfect projects for kids to help!

I chose to use fishing line and hang then horizontally because we have a sent under the window! So alligators wont be flying up

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