Saturday, May 7, 2011


    I first heard about the Art-O-Mat from my art professor in college. It is the coolest thing. They are these old cigarette dispensing machines, that have been converted to  art dispensing machines. For the low, low price of $5.00, you get an original piece of art. They are the exact size of a cigarette pack, the art is all made from different mediums. Some are wood, paper, mat board, ect. They are true treasure. They are located all over the country, seek one out! They are amazing. They are created by local and famous artists. No one knows which they will get, only the artist. "The experience of pulling the knob alone is quite a thrill, but you also walk away with an original work of art. What an easy way to become  an art collector".
They even accept submissions. Check out the website and find your nearest art-o-mat. A cool gift idea.

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